How would I spend my $100?

Joe Duffy is busy at work writing a book about concurrency in .NET. He asks how we would spend our $100, given a choice from a set of topics available. Well, I’d have to spend mine like this:

$5 - (0) Parallel algorithms (Comp Sci., technology agnostic)
$5 - (1) Architecting large scale concurrent programs
$5 - (2) Windows concurrency internals
$5 - (3) CLR concurrency internals
$5 - (4) Windows (Win32) concurrency API best practices
$5 - (5) CLR concurrency API best practices
$5 - (6) Client-side concurrency
$5 - (7) Server-side concurrency
$5 - (8) Reusable concurrency primitives (building and using them)
$5 - (9) Performance and scalability
$50 - (A) Debugging

And here’s why. Because debugging concurrent systems is Ruddy Hard!!!!! I wish I had $200 J


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